Wages, Budgets, Local M&A – Tuesday’s Roundup

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Goodness it’s swampy out there. PSA: Buy a large fan. Small fans are for the small-minded.

The average weekly wage in New Jersey increased 1% from 2010 to 2017, accounting for inflation, according to this analysis from NorthJersey.com. Across a lot of South Jersey, wages fell during that time period. On the other hand, there was an uptick in the fourth quarter.
Thank goodness the economy is finally booming again!

Steve Sweeney is pushing to strip the governor (in this case Phil Murphy) of his authority to certify revenue and give it instead to a “revenue certification board.” Sweeney, “denied yesterday that his plan is in any way related to his recent budget quarrels with Murphy,” the valuable NJ Spotlight reports.

The owner of the Atlantic Club (the last casino standing at the south end of the Boardwalk) didn’t pay its property taxes last year and was taken to court for foreclosure. At that point, the owner – TJM, which also owns The Claridge – paid up, with interest. What does it all mean for the future of the almost 40-year-old property? We have no idea. If you do, get in touch!

In local news matters, Nanette LoBiondo’s Downbeach Pilot was bought by online publisher MediaWize, “which also publishes OCNJDaily.com, SeaIsleNews.com and SomersPoint.com is a subsidiary of online media marketing giant WebiMax based in Camden.”
They’ve relaunched as Downbeach.com.

Photo from Burlington County Farm Fair by Sue (@suerogo0624 on Instagram).

Are you a home gardener? Have you got tomatoes coming out the wazoo? This website helps you find places to donate them to persons in need.
“There’s no reason someone in New Jersey who goes to a food pantry should be given canned tomatoes from California when right down the street there’s a gardener with too many Rutgers tomatoes on his plants.” (Courier-Post)

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