Local News Matters – Tuesday’s Roundup

The owner of The Press of Atlantic City and Catamaran Media (which publishes The Current, The Gazette, and other local weekly papers) cut 12 jobs at those companies yesterday, including seasoned reporters, editors and photographers (read a little more here, via The Press). The company will also not be filling many currently vacant positions. On the same day, the price of The Press of Atlantic City went up 50 percent to $1.50. You probably know that the newspaper industry has been struggling for almost two decades. First came the internet, which eroded the value of printed news, then Facebook and Google became publishers and they now take most of the online advertising money.

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Storm-Water Runoff, Transportation, Drones’ Silicone Valley – Monday’s Roundup

Storm-Water Runoff
There’s no sexier way to start your Monday than contemplating storm-water runoff… It’s important, since some of the flooding on Absecon Island (and also offshore) is related to bad drainage and too much concrete. Cities such as New York, which benefit from having lots of rich people and well-funded non-profits alongside their flooding problem, have been developing inventive and decorative ways to deal with storm-water runoff (basically, planting shrubberies or ‘rain gardens’ to help drain flood water). Why can’t we copy them? Some cities in northern New Jersey are already trying to, and the Department of Environmental Protection just announced $10.4 million in funding for such projects. NJ Spotlight has details on the funding and some floodwater schemes that are already operating.

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