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Public Meeting on South Jersey Gas Pipeline
January 24, 2017 @ 9:30 am - 5:00 pm

On Jan. 3, 2017 the Pinelands Commission changed the location of this meeting AND combined it with their regular monthly meeting which was supposed to be held at their offices on January 13, 2016. Now they holding their monthly meeting during this public meeting on the SJ Gas pipeline project. They have cancelled the January 13th monthly meeting.
The Pinelands Commission will hold a special meeting for the public to comment on whether the South Jersey Gas pipeline project complies with the rules that protect the Pinelands.
We argue that it does not – in fact the Commission already voted on this project in 2014 and failed to approve it. But here we are again.
In November NJ Courts ruled that the Executive Director of the Pinelands Commission did not have the authority to rule that the project was compliant with Pinelands rules. The Courts sent the SJ Gas pipeline project application back the full 15-member governing board for a vote and a public hearing.
Learn more on our webpage http://www.pinelandsalliance.org/support/take-action-south-jersey-gas-p/
Learn more about the Pinelands Commission’s special comment process and the Jan. 24th meeting here:
Sign a letter urging the Pinelands Commission to reject the SJ Gas pipeline: http://rethinkenergynj.org/stopsjgpipeline/
Comments may also be sent via:
Mail: New Jersey Pinelands Commission
P.O. Box 359
New Lisbon, New Jersey 08064
Email: info@njpines.state.nj.us
Comment Form: http://www.nj.gov/pinelands/home/contact/public.shtml
From the Commission’s website: “The comment period will close on January 24, 2017 and written comments will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on that date. Following the close of the public comment period, the Commission staff will prepare a subsequent recommendation as to the continued validity of its prior consistency determination. A copy of this recommendation will be posted on the Commission’s website prior to the date of the Commission meeting at which the Commission will consider same.”
QUESTIONS? Call the Pinelands Preservation Alliance at 609-859-8860 or by email becky@pinelandsalliance.org
Or your partner organziations:
Food & Water Watch: Lena Smith, lsmith@fwwatch.org or 732-839-0878
ReThink Energy NJ: Patty Cronheim, patty@rethinkenergynj.org or 609-558-2564