The New Jersey Tree Recovery Program will be handing out free trees around the state over the next few weeks. The program, a joint venture between the state’s Forestry Service and the Arbor Day Foundation, aims to provide trees to communities that lost urban canopies after Superstorm Sandy. To date, more than 300,000 trees have been handed out.
Find out more and see where you can pick up a tree here. In Atlantic County, trees will be available at:
Buena Vista Township, March 30 from noon at 890 Harding Hwy., Township Clerk’s Office
Egg Harbor Township, March 30 from 11 am at the Egg Harbor Township Nature Reserve
Estell Manor, March 30 from 8 am at the Warren E. Fox Nature Center at the Atlantic County Park, 109 State Hwy 50 S, Mays Landing, NJ
Folsom Borough, April 1 from 3.30 pm to 5 pm at Folsom Elementary School, 1357 Mays Landing Rd.
Galloway Township, April 6 from 9 am to noon at the Municipal Complex (court side), 300 Jimmie Leeds Rd.
Hammonton Township, April 18 from 6 pm to 9 pm at the Arbor Day celebration at Hammonton Elementary School and St. Joseph’s Regional Elementary School.