October 26, 2018

Floods, How to Take the Bus to New York and More – Friday’s Roundup

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Ok so the nor’easter is coming. We hate to pile on with these stories, but you should probs be prepared for flooding, not that that’s an unusual occurrence down here.

As luck would have it a Dutch expert on floodplains was on hand at Bally’s to floodsplain the impact of rising sealevels to a roomful of experts, the Press of AC’s Michelle Brunetti Post reports.

We can expect nuisance flooding at every high tide by 2030. “The future of this area is about tough decisions,” he said.

How To Take The Bus To NYC

Elinor takes the bus to New York pretty often and now she thinks she’s some sort of expert. She is sharing her knowledge on price hacks and everything you have ever wanted to know about bus travel to NYC here.

The 28%
The NJ3 race is really super close with the latest Monmouth poll putting Andy Kim up 2% over Tom MacArthur, while the New York Times/Siena poll has MacArthur up by 1% (h/t to the Playbook), which makes this as good a day as any to reflect that prominent regional labor leader Bill Mullen has endorsed Tom MacArthur through some kind of mysterious solidarity. What kind, I wonder.

Amy Rosenberg points out that Kim has a “clear advantage” on the important issue of healthcare, per the Monmouth poll, but who are these 28% of people who trust MacArthur more on healthcare? Wait, you’re asking me?

Based on my Facebook timeline, loads of grownup people in positions of authority think a Congresswoman passed a bribe during a Senate hearing, on live TV, fifteen feet from the cameras, a few weeks ago, so people believe lots of weird stuff. They’re also still waiting for Donald Trump’s “extremely credible source” to prove Obama’s birth certificate was a fake.

There’s an intelligence test going on, my fellow Americans, and I’m sad to report we’re failing.

For more feats of journalism [violent retching] do see below:

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