Following The Money
NJSpotlight has an interactive map so you can see how much your neighbors have contributed toward the gubernatorial race this year. Over at Route 40, we are in the process of compiling an interactive map showing Legislative District 2 contributions and expenditures (you won’t be surprised to learn that most of the contributions in one of the most expensive races this year came from outside the district). Stay tuned to our site later today for that launch (and we’ll probably email it out when ready). In other election-money news, there were allegations of voter fraud at the Atlantic County Board of Elections last night, read more via The Press of Atlantic City.

Franklin Parker Preserve – photo by @pinebarrennaturalist on Instagram.
Buy A Bar
There’s a bar for sale just a block away from Stockton University’s future Atlantic City campus and the new South Jersey Industries headquarters. The owner – who was a frequent customer when the property was Grabel’s – is being coy about the offers he’s received. Read more via Route 40.
Pot Policy
A “landmark” Supreme Court decision on Tuesday throws into relief New Jersey’s disjointed policy on marijuana and orders the state to consider declassifying marijuana from a Schedule 1 drug (considered highly addictive and without medical value). NJSpotlight reports that the judges wrote: “While there may have been no accepted medical use” for the plant when the state’s drug classification system was created, “any suggestion that premise is still valid in the post- (medical marijuana law) era strains credulity beyond acceptable boundaries.”
In the rest of the day’s news, both gubernatorial candidates are backing offshore wind, supposedly cash-strapped CRDA could buy AC’s Ginsburg Bakery (to house SID staff and equipment) and the Sweeney v NJEA election battle is now at $15.8 million and counting. All that and more below:
Man Injured In Hamilton Township Crash–One driver was injured in a Hamilton Township crash Thursday morning. Police responded to Route 50 just north of Oak Street in the township’s Laureldale section shortly after 7 am.
Good Samaritan Critically Injured Aiding Victim In Domestic Assault–A Good Samaritan was critically injured when he helped a woman being assaulted by her boyfriend in Hamilton Township, police said.
NJ’s Hefty Unfunded Liabilities Matter Of Concern To Outside Analysis–New Jersey is not alone when it comes to having an underfunded public-employee pension system, but a new analysis of budget practices in all 50 US states finds New Jersey is still at the bottom in terms of dealing with its hefty long-term obligations in recent years. In all, state and local governments across the country now have more than $1 trillion in unfunded pension liabilities, according to a report released yesterday by the Volcker Alliance, an organization led by former Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Paul Volcker that promotes sustainable budgeting and best practices for state policymakers.
Rule Change Expands Addiction Treatment Options for Medicaid Patients–New Jersey is one of two states that could benefit from additional federal funds to support its efforts to expand access to drug treatment for Medicaid patients, a change advocates said is long overdue and could help tens of thousands of patients annually.
FEMA Awards $1.24 Million Grant for 8 Downbeach Home Elevations–The Federal Emergency Management Agency awarded a $1,238,000 million flood mitigation assistance grant to Ventnor and Margate to help seven Ventnor property owners and one Margate property owner elevate their homes.
Brigantine Firefighters Honored for Assisting in Delivery of Baby–City Council’s meeting Wednesday evening included a special presentation honoring firefighter/EMTs Thomas Bordonaro Jr. and Chase Malia, who assisted in the emergency delivery of a baby boy Sept. 22 in the back of an ambulance en route to AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Mainland Campus, in Galloway Township.
‘Our Town’ opens Friday at Gateway Playhouse in Somers Point–This weekend the curtain at Gateway Playhouse will go up on the Thornton Wilder classic “Our Town.”
Murphy Earned $4.6 Million in 2016, Tax Returns Show–Phil Murphy and his wife earned $4.6 million and paid nearly $1.5 million in taxes in 2016, according to a two-page summary of their tax returns released five days before Tuesday’s election.