Marijuana Robots, Opioid Taxes, Hate-Crimes Reporting and More – Monday’s Roundup

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Good morning Route 40 Roundup readers. We had a nice break at the end of last week. Thank you for indulging us.

Marijuana Robots
In realer news, politicians in lab coats were photographed touring a marijuana factory in Nevada because New Jersey hasn’t even legalized marijuana yet and already robots are coming for the marijuana jobs. #innovation.

Opioid Tax
Elsewhere in pharmaceuticals, Phil Murphy called for a tax on opioid manufacturers that the Murphy admin says could raise $21.5 million this year, the valuable Spotlight reports.

At least ten other states have proposed similar taxes, but so far they have faced strong opposition from the pharma companies who have been diligently getting in the good graces of all your favorite TV networks by buying ads for weird medicines (“Ask your doctor about bucephalin!”) in anticipation of this very moment.

Hate Crimes
The state A.G. Gurbir Grewal announced new guidelines for how police investigate and document suspected hate crimes, S.P. Sullivan at reports.

The numbers for these crimes are “notoriously unreliable” Sullivan writes, but there seems to have been an increase in the last few years. The guidelines had not been updated since 2000.

For more feats of journalism…

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