Stockton Lawsuits, NJ High Schooler Exodus, Public-Sector Perks – Monday’s Roundup

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Stockton Lawsuits
Four civil lawsuits alleging sexual assault have now been filed against Stockton University and an unauthorized fraternity at the school. Stockton President Harvey Kesselman on Friday published a letter to students in which he wrote, “We are deeply concerned about the victims and committed to being as transparent as possible to keep the Stockton community informed of these serious matters.”

The letter was covered by Vincent Jackson of The Press of Atlantic City, but its Friday publication meant that it might have been skipped over by others. And if you visit the Stockton website (as I just did) the letter is not all that easy to find (it’s not on the President’s page, the homepage, or in the first section of the news page). Stockton is not much used to scrutiny and it has some baffling “transparency” policies (Route 40 was recently just told to file a public records request to access minutes for a public board meeting at the university that took place in May). As a small state school a distance away from a major media market, this might all be fine. But Stockton – and Kesselman – have bigger aspirations. Many more prospective parents and students than before will be watching how the institution proves its commitment to transparency as these lawsuits progress.

NJ High-Schooler Exodus
Speaking of Stockton, the school’s bet on an Atlantic City campus hinges in part around persuading more New Jersey high school students to stay in-state for college. This is a big New Jersey problem: taxpayers here pay more than other states for students in K-12, but many thousands of those students choose out-of-state colleges and continue on to out-of-state jobs, The Philadelphia Inquirer reports (click through for the incredible graphic that shows just how bad the NJ exodus is).

Public-Sector Perks
The New Jersey practice of permitting state workers to donate unused leave to co-workers is going to be made law, NJSpotlight reports. There are reasons why this practice should be allowed in extenuating circumstances… But for the New Jersey taxpayers who aren’t public-sector employees, this may read like more evidence of the increasing divide between the state’s haves and have-nots. See this handy state chart (final page) for how federal, state, municipal and private-sector wages diverge (and remember that it does not include benefits such as healthcare or paid leave).

For everything else, see below:

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