A Guy’s Guy, Crony Capitalism Status Report, and the Closing of the Fox Manor – Thursday’s Roundup

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Historically unpopular former Governor Chris Christie announced he’s putting a book out this winter called Let Me Finish, a brilliant title when you think about it, that cunningly pre-supposes the good people of New Jersey have ever had any real success getting Christie to shut the f*ck up in the first place.

Longstory short: Atlantic City’s own Jitney Guy took to Twitter to ask, innocuously enough, if Atlantic City might get a mention, prompting a response from Christie’s own brother, who is an exec at Ernst & Young, who didn’t like that JG had referred to his Grace the Governor as a “guy.”

“‘The guy’? You mean the 55th Governor of NJ? The Republican who won twice in a blue state? Former US Attorney ? I know those achievements pale to being a Jitney driver but a bit of respect would be nice. Respond all day..done wasting my time.”

It’s amazing they haven’t ridden this faux-populism shtick more directly to the White House.

The Bloustein School at Rutgers released a report on EDA’s tax-incentive and economic development programs, which the valuable NJ Spotlight calls “controversial” noting that $5.4 billion in state tax breaks have been “awarded” (congratulations!) since 2013. On the Twitterbox, Jim Kennedy calls the report a, “sizzling 117 page turner for nerds on the use & misuse of state tax credits. Special Section on Camden’s $1.3b to grab businesses from the surrounding suburbs.”

Print out a copy and take it to the beach.

On Pacific Avenue, the Fox Manor boarding house is being closed. Lynda Cohen has details.

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