Beautiful Carrots! And if you Wear a Tuxedo, You Deserve Tax Credits – Friday’s Roundup

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The Margate Farmer’s Market is back! Season-opener was yesterday. NanLo has accurate coverage and pictures of beautiful carrots in the Downbeach Pilot. The Jersey Peach Pie contest is July 19. There’s also going to be an event by the Rutgers Co-op Extension on “Rediscovering the Tomato” later in the summer.

$33M < $2.1M 
In 2017, the EDA renewed a tax credit worth $33 million for One Journal Square, a skyscraper in Jersey City that is owned by a Democrat (Jared Kushner), and MapLight, the “nonpartisan watchdog, that tracks the influence of money in politics,” thinks you should be able to see the official correspondence between then-Governor Christie, his staff, and employees of the Kushner Cos., since they’re very clearly public records and subject to sunshine laws. But Christie, with the foresight of a guilty conscience, “designated all of his and his staff’s emails and other electronic records ‘privileged’ or ‘confidential'” before he left office, the valuable Spotlight reports. Jeff Chiesa, who has left Atlantic City and has other things to do, agrees this was proper of the former Governor to do. So they’re keeping the emails. Next to Christie’s Bridgegate cellphone presumably.

Do you ever feel like while you weren’t paying attention, your government was taken over by Walker and Texas Ranger from Talladega Nights?

The law doesn’t apply to us!

I remember a few months ago when Phil Murphy wanted to give $2.1 million to fund legal assistance to the several hundred thousands immigrants who live in New Jersey–where they pay taxes, by the way, and pick blueberries and fix computers and cure diseases and teach at universities and practice law and in many other ways contribute to our civil society, unlike rent-collectors Charles and Jared Kushner–and half the kids I went to high school with were shouting “Brown Menace!” on Facebook.

But this is an important life lesson: if you wear a tuxedo around and act rich enough, the government can give you all the money it wants, and people will think you deserve it.

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