Let It Not Collect Dust – Wednesday’s Roundup

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Everyone reports on the NJ Transit audit, which Governor Murphy released yesterday at a train station in Metuchen. The system’s a mess, but “fixable” Murphy said, while pledging not to let the report collect dust. It’s like he read our minds.

Elsewhere in Transport, the state (and city) did a study a while back on pedestrians and bikes in Atlantic City, and Elinor wrote about it on twitter. Did you know they wanted to put a back path on the beach? (Here’s the report). I don’t know how you feel about the dunes, but the Boardwalk should be on the ocean side of them, like Joe Boardwalk intended when he signed the Magna Carta, creating the first Boardwalk in 1072. Also, it needs to be fifty yards wider.


My favorite thing about the George Norcross story in Politico is that Rachel Honig, from the U.S. Attorney’s office, who wrote the letter clearing Norcross (“an extraordinary step”) worked as an Assistant U.S. Attorney under Christie (a Norcorss ally) and then worked for Celgene (Bob Hugin’s pharma firm). And her husband also worked for Christie. They all know each other. It’s like the Livingston company softball team took over New Jersey government. I guess that’s what happens when you systematically disenfranchise half the population and the rest of the state moves to New York to trade muni bonds.

Point is they were tapping Norcross’s phones and now they’re not.

In other news, there are plans afoot to better-protect the state’s coastline from sea-level rise and severe storms, and NJ’s fiscal health is pretty bad. For even more news, see below:

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