Prescription Case, Crime Boss, Bike Racks – Monday’s Roundup

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Prescription Fraud
There were seven new arrests Friday in the big prescription fraud case, everyone reports. This batch includes two guys I grew up playing various kinds of sportsball with. I don’t know what that brings the total to on former sportsballers I sportsballed with, who have gone on to get involved in this debacle. I stopped counting.

More distressingly, one of the accused is a co-owner of the Baltimore Grill, which raises a question or two about that place, since it was bought out of bankruptcy (see our profile here) a few years ago.

Crime Boss
Elsewhere in Crimes, the guy who walked up to the (reputed) head of the Gambino crime family and shot him ten times in front of his house was arrested in Brick Saturday morning. I realize that’s a little far afield but holy —-. The story in the New York Times suggests it might not have been a mob assassination.

Bike Racks Downbeach
In milder news, Nanette LoBiondo reports the installation of new bike racks in Ventnor and Margate will probably not finish until fall, after the tourists have abandoned us yet again.

Two-hundred and eight bike racks. Ninety-one locations. Some of them might be in place in time, but there are a lot of moving pieces. Read Nan Lo’s story for deets. And flip back to 2017 for the start of the Downbeack bike rack odyssey.

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