Amy Rosenberg at the Philly Inquirer dove deeply into the petition by Glenn Klotz to extend the boardwalk from the Fredricksburg Avenue border, where it currently ends, to stretch across Margate atop the dunes. There are many fun details in this story, e.g. that Glenn is the son of Red Klotz, who played point guard for the Washington Generals until he was 63 and sunk the winning basket against the Harlem Globetrotterson January 5, 1971 in Martin, Tennessee. The Generals were supposed to lose of course, as they’d done the 14,000 or so other times they’d played the Globetrotters, but Red hit a two-hander with ten seconds left and they won by one point by accident. “Let me tell you, beating the Globetrotters is like shooting Santa Claus,” Red reportedly said. Elsewhere in ‘Winning’
Imagine a world where government officials promise to give a private business $7 billion if they will build a headquarters in your state and transparency activists have to sue to even see the plans.